Saturday, February 25, 2012

Battery holder

A array holder is one or added compartments or accommodation for captivation a battery. For dry cells, the holder accept to aswell accomplish electrical acquaintance with the array terminals. For wet cells, cables are generally affiliated to the array terminals, as is begin in automobiles or emergency lighting equipment.

A array holder is either a artificial case with the appearance of the apartment molded as a alcove or compartments that accepts a array or batteries, or a abstracted artificial holder that is army with screws, eyelets, glue, double-sided tape, or added means. Array holders may accept a lid to absorb and assure the batteries, or may be closed to anticipate accident to chip and apparatus from array leakage. Coiled bounce wire or collapsed tabs that columnist adjoin the array terminals are the two a lot of accepted methods of authoritative the electrical affiliation central a holder. External access on array holders are usually fabricated by contacts with pins, apparent arise feet, adhesive lugs, or wire leads.

Where the array is accepted to endure over the activity of the product, no holder is necessary, and a tab anchored to the array terminals can be anon anchored to a printed ambit board.

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